Rheticus services supports Indonesian Authorities after earthquake
On 28 September 2018, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, followed by a tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The natural disaster killed over 2,000 lives, left 100,000 people in need of emergency assistance, destroyed buildings, infrastructures, and farmland in several districts. A joint program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) ...Read more
Making aquaculture more sustainable and efficient with Rheticus® Aquaculture
Is there a connection between aquaculture, climate change and satellite Earth Observation? Fish and seafood play a significant role in the human diet and represent a very important source of protein. About 20% of the world’s population takes at least 20% of animal protein from fish. According to the FAO, human population growth is expected ...Read more
Rheticus for Civil Protection at SafeKozani 2018
SafeKozani 2018 ‐ the 5th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technology will be held next 31 October ‐ 3 November, 2018, in Kozani, Greece. On the edge of creation of the National Civil Protection Center in the county of Kozani, the 5th International Civil Protection Conference, SafeKozani 2018, will bring together both international ...Read more
Pinpointing the failure from Space: the sewerage network of Milan
Introduction Water can be a destructive force, washing away roadbeds and eroding riverbanks. Sometimes it works silently and invisibly, removing soil beneath parking lots and roads until they cave in, exposing sinkholes that shallow houses and cars. Subsidence, or when the ground begins to sink, is an indication of a problem. This does not need ...Read more
Turning radar data into action: slope instabilities in the urban area of Niscemi (Italy)
Introduction Land instability is a key activity to ensure people’s safety, environmental protection and the safeguarding of infrastructures and strategic assets. However, traditional campaigns for the regular monitoring of wide areas require considerable financial resources, time and are often complex to implement. Problem Niscemi is an historical village located up above a hilly area in ...Read more
The Marine face of Rheticus: coastal water monitoring of the Epirus Region
Introduction Eutrophication of coastal areas is one of the most important and long lasting water quality problems for densely populated and industrialised countries. It can greatly affect coastal ecosystems. It is included among the Descriptors of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) needed for evaluating the Good Environment Status (GES) of marine areas. Furthermore, ...Read more
Wildfires capture from Space
Introduction Every year significant wildfire activities across Italy and worldwide is registered, especially within national parks and protected areas. Wildfires represent a major threat to environmental resources, with hundreds of thousands of hectares of burnt areas and invaluable loss of woods and biodiversity every year. Over the 2017 summer season, the Alta Murgia National Park ...Read more