2nd infrastructure and transport conference: the challenges of tomorrow
The 2nd Infrastructure and Transport Conference: The challenges of tomorrow will be held in the War Museum Amphitheatre, Athens, on May 15-16, 2018.
The first day of the event is focused on infrastructures and the new development opportunities.
The second day is focused on transports and will discuss the changes in the spectrum of transport after the concessions of Airports, Railways, Motorways and Ports.
Planetek Hellas participates with a booth (n.5) to showcase the latest solutions derived from satellite Earth observation, helping decision and operational activities in monitoring infrastructures and trasportation networks. Inside the booth it will be possible to learn more about the industry-focused monitoring service Rheticus® Displacement, delivered with Rheticus®, the high performing cloud-based platform for continual monitoring of Earth surface. (www.rheticus.eu)
For further information and registration at the event visit http://www.ypodomes-metaforescongress.gr